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Dod yn aelod / Become a member


Clwb Hoci Pwllheli yw enw ein clwb hoci ni, rydym yn chwarae ar astro ein hunain yn Clwb Chwaraeon Pwllheli. Mae aelodau y Clwb Hoci hefyd angen dod yn aelodau o Glwb Chwaraeon Pwllheli.

Clwb Hoci Pwllheli is the name of our Hockey Club, we play on our own pitch at Clwb Chwaraeon Pwllheli. Members of the Hockey Club also need to become members of Clwb Chwaraeon Pwllheli Sports Club.

Byddwch yn cael eich gwahodd i dod yn aelod o’r Clwb Chwaraeon wrth gofrestru hefo SPOND.

You will be invited to become a member of the Sports Club when you register with SPOND.


Mae bob chwaraewr angen cofrestru ar SPOND oherwydd ein bod angen gwybodaeth feddygol a chyswllt brys ar eu cyfer. Os wyt o dan 18, bydd dy riant angen dy gofrestru.

Every player much register with SPOND because we need emergency medical and contact information for you. If you are under 18 your parent will register you.

Rydym yn defnyddio SPOND i gyfathrebu hefo aelodau.

We use SPOND to communicate with members.

Galli lawrlwytho’r App yma.

You can download the App here.

Hoci Cymru / Hockey Wales

Mae gemau clwb y timau iau fel arfer yn cael eu cynnal ar Ddydd Sul, gyda un twrnament bob mis. Siarada gyda hyfforddwr dy blentyn am fwy o wybodaeth a chadw llygad ar SPOND am ddyddiadau gemau, a gwybodaeth ar gyfer lleoliadau, amseroedd cyrraedd ayyb.

Club matches for Juniors usually take place on Sundays, expect one tournament per month – speak to your child’s coach for more information & keep your eye on SPOND for fixture dates and information about venues, arrival times etc.

Mae’r gemau cynghrair hyn yn digwydd ar Ddydd Sadwrn.

Seniors league matches take place on Saturday’s.

Os wyt ti neu dy blentyn eisiau chwarae gemau i’r clwb, bydd angen cofrestru gyda Hoci Cymru. Rwyt yn gallu cofrestru yma.

If you or your child want to play in matches for the club you/they must register with Hoci Cymru. You can register here.

Kit timau iau / Juniors kit

Mae kit hoci timau iau ar gael i prynu drwy Teejac yma.

Junior Hockey kit is available to purchase via Teejac here.

Kit timau pobl hyn / Seniors kit

Mae kit timau pobl hyn ar gael i prynu drwy VX3 yma.

Seniors Hockey kit is available to purchase via VX3 here

Clwb Chwaraeon Pwllheli Membership


Everyone has the right to have fun in a safe, secure environment at any time before, during and after any Hockey activity, training or at competitions.

Code of Conduct

Click on the link below to view the Code of Conduct for players and spectators